






1 主持国家自然科学基金青年项目:弯曲时空中参数的量子估测,(2022.01-2024.12, 编号:12105097);

2 主持湖南省教育厅一般项目:弯曲时空中量子热效应的理论研究, (2020.11-2023.11,编号:20C0787).


(1) Ying Yang, Xiaobao Liu, Jieci Wang and Jiliang Jing, Quantum metrology of phase for accelerated two-level atom coupled with electromagnetic field with and without boundary, Quantum Information Processing, 17(3): 54(2018).

(2) Ying Yang, Jiliang Jing and Zixu Zhao, Enhancing estimation precision of parameter for a two-level atom with circular motion, Quantum Information Processing, 18(4):120(2019).

(3) Ying Yang, Jieci Wang, Mengjie Wang, Jiliang Jing and Zehua Tian, Parameter

estimation in cosmic string spacetime by using the inertial and accelerated

detectors, Classical and Quantum Gravity, 37(6):065017(2020).

(4) Ying Yang, Zehua Tian and Jiliang Jing, Analogue soliton with variable mass in super-conducting quantum interference devices, Chinese Physics Letters, 37(4):048501(2020).

(5) Xiaolong Gong, Ying Yang, Tonghua Liu. Schwinger effect of quantum steering for Gaussian states in an electric field, Europhysics Letters, 135(6): 60004(2021).

(6) Xiangyun Fu, Lu Zhou, Jianfei Yang, Zhen-Yan Lu, Ying Yang and Guo Tang, Exploring the potentiality of future standard candles and standard sirens to detect cosmic opacity, Chinese Physics C, 45(6), 065104(2021).